Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Early morning when the sun yawned I stood awed... engaged by its gaze at the underworld. My insides felt like gold- Skin stating boldly that the richest gold is BROWN Staring at myself in the reflection of the liquid bank of blue that surrounds me. No sound- Other than the sound of Silent peace. Present the scent of fresh life. While peace yet still... Blue bank doing an ancestoral spirit dance. The fore parents speaking. Lending direction and guidance both mine ears. In turn My heart whispered.. "the spirits are moaning It said. Indeed... it's rebirth time. I SHOUTED to the ancestors "Give me wings while I breathe!" Let me dance while in life. May I stand tall while I rest. Affirm me if I doubt! Let me become you- An ancestor with a legacy When it's over. Let me speak back everlastingly to my legacy so I know when I am home- (C) 2013 Logicalpoetist

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NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Thank you to all my readers. Your attention to NAJAIS CUP OF COCOA is appreciated. Please take the time to comment in order to encourage the writer to better target your interest.

Thank you.. Najai aka Cocoa