Deception is a terrible thing. It is birthed from dishonesty and usually based on lies. When you meet someone you obviously do not know them so there is no reason to distrust them. Experience can alter the innocence of a new meeting as some do bring their old baggage to new relationships.
If you both brought baggage now the relationship has luggage.
If you dress your head with African garb or where your crown in kinky locks, If you speak every other word using the name of God then what should one expect from you?
This representation demands responsibility when one displays such presentations to an individual or to the world.
Some say fake it until you make it. Is this being honest? I do not think so.
I say "be real with it so later you don't have to deal with it."
To stumble upon a bad attitude, ignorance, lack of consideration from someone who initially preached faith and spirituality is, equivalent to waking up next to someone in the morning and not remembering going home with them.
How embarrassing... How disappointing... How hurtful...
It is not the choice to see good in someone that is is a downfall. It can however result in a pit fall.
When one realizes that they have now lost the "representative and met the executive" what should they do?
When it comes to love relationships it can be very difficult to just walk away. The truth is that when you love someone it is not easy to do that.
Love is now the source of survival within your union. It anchors your feet to the ground of the relationship. Running is not always the answer. The word of God says this about love;
Love suffers long and is kind; Love does not envy; Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek it's own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, Love never fails.
So when friends share of their tails of struggle in a personal relationship, do not ask why do they stay. The truth is that when one truly understands GOD'S DEFINITION OF LOVE that, is why...
A person may not be able to verbalize the very thing that they hold within their heart but, they are in tuned with what God has defined love to be.
Knowing this should not justify for anyone staying in an abusive relationship. It should however determine what true love is and what it is not.
If love for you is opposite everything that God has says then it is time for you to reconsider your circumstances because before loving anyone successfully you must first love yourself. This truth is self evident-
(C) copyright logicalpoetist August 2009