It is morning...
Orange tinted sky
soft grey clouds
hang not far above
It is raining
I am driving
sipping coffee
While thinking
about my love...
Cris crossing
time tossing
days passing
at the speed of
of life
Summer soon over
air feels colder
yet gets warmer
with you by my side
a hint of fall
hides in the trees
as the bark turns
a rusty white
crispy sound of
scraping leaves
introduce the calm
of night
cooling howl
of a soothing wind
brushing against
all that it can find
realizing the season
is changing
it is almost time
for holiday cheer
family and friends
good food to satisfy
the soul
It is almost time
once again
for frosty, fluffy
yet another
brand new year...
How fortunate
we all have been
09 kept us here
We have gained
quite a bit
as a human race
finally a president
concerned not
about saving face
Instead he's
begun the work
to change this
unfair place
How fortunate
are we to
still exist
as many did go on.
Unanswered question
as to why
we just know
there gone
As we move
rapidly toward 2010
let us take a moment
to reflect
to simply
remember when
and If you think
there is No God?
You had better
think again
(C)copyright logicalpoetist August 2009