Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Things to remember

Things to remember When you openly share your story you are exposing yourself vulnerabily to a world that cannot comprehend it's own creator. EXPECT that people will criticize you for being so honest. REMEMBER.. honesty is the sweet honey taste of realness. REMEMBER... that your writing speaks to your courageous surpass. REMEMBER that your voice struck silence in the face and left a scar on soul. REMEMBER... that you lyrically orchestrated your own healing while others paid someone with three letters behind their name, hundreds of dollars and finished the session still aloof of who they are. When you write your own story and release it to the world REMEMBER that you opened yourself up for your freedom of speech to be mis-understood, mis-construed and mis-interpreted by people unqualified to free themselves. REMEMBER so that you will stay proud that it is you who wrote your story to help the unqualified to be free. (C) 2013 Logicalpoetist/InkedlogicPatterns INC.