Thursday, February 18, 2010

Grand Finale

Leaky pen, torn pages
representative of soul sages
shattered emotions dry bones
defines wisdom and ages
desperate voice crying aloud
experiences few are proud

strong hands of hard work
smiles that speak to a minimal play
raging memory wrinkled roses
internal butterflies
metaphoric vision helps hide
alidad captures the truth inside
behind all the isms and false defines

Attempted robbery, of spiritual high
lies, lies ,cries, cries
streaming tears from souls flask
embellished result.. bask.. bask

leaky pens still extend,
pages whole souls blend
torn no more healed emotions
lubricated bones not sore
age now giving birth to wisdom
soul sages baked pages
setting stages, aromatic release

knowledgeable increase
meditation displays answers
revelation forces reflation
elation of buried complications
No more judgements God in me
simply put... sufficient
No more racing, gracefully pacing
humbly giving mightily living

(C) logicalpoetist February 2010