Two eyes only see what is physical.
They cannot see the unseen
Inner being I call my third eye
see,It guides me, and drives me
like a sports car drives it's owner
or a donor shares a piece of themselves
for the survival of another.
In this world we are not alone.
We are not supposed to
underfeed the next being but,
instead take care of our own...
Says the Supreme being-
Homeless men, barefoot women
got that way from lack of bread
and lack of living
Laboring for little of nothing
Some served in the military
then abandoned after the foe
A soul requires more laughing,
less grieving.
How can people breathe when
there is so much pollution
and Suffocation,Back biting and hating?
I hold these acts attributable
to all men, we're all responsible
to do something
Some sit in a penthouse
eating organic grains,
sipping fine wine,
racking their brains about
stock gains
Never concerned about
those in the cellar,
slumped over with stomach pains
sleeping outdoors on
infested mattresses during
snow,sleet,and Stormy rain.
On television the underprivileged
exposed to beg the public
for financial gains.
Many do give but, are the ones
with not much on our own plates.
They say seventy cents a day
can buy food and school supplies
then why are these impoverished children
still crying, still, UN-nourished
Why are their parents still dying
Why is the underlying problem still,
an unsolved equation, Why-
Millions of dollars sent to
organizations each day,
families still wither away.
I have to say.. What's going on?
First said by Marvin Gaye;
"Mother, mother there is far
too many of you crying,
far too many of you dying."
"You know we've got to find a way;
To bring some loving here today.
Thirty-five years later,poverty
still in the same communities.
Wealth remains in the same suburbs.
Two eyes only see what is physical,
they cannot see the unseen.
Inner being I call my third eye
see, it guides me and drives me
like a sports car drives it's owner
or a donor shares a piece of themselves
for the survival of another.
Why is the underlying problem
still an unsolved equation-
(C)logicalpoetist September 1, 2009
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NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Thank you to all my readers. Your attention to NAJAIS CUP OF COCOA is appreciated. Please take the time to comment in order to encourage the writer to better target your interest.
Thank you.. Najai aka Cocoa