Barbara, a forty-five year old professional has everything going well for her. She is a chemist at a prestigious perfume marketing & distribution company. Her ideas sent the company soaring when she developed a signature scent that was very distinctive, to say the least.
The company sold the unique scent to a well known celebrity for his already successful line of women's cologne for two hundred and fifty-million dollars.
Barbara's commission for her development was twenty percent which solidified her position as a top developer in the market.
Barbara has never been married but she does enjoy her life. She travels lots and is sure to make time for her long term friendships.
One morning while at home preparing a presentation the phone rings...
It is Margaret, Barb's younger sister.
She tells Barb that there has been an emergency in the family and that Barbara should come right away. Margaret says that both their parents and brother had been involved in a vehicular accident, and that all three were in critical condition.
When Barbara received the news she broke down in tears and assured her sister that she'd be on the earliest flight.
Barbara called the airline to schedule her flight and got the earliest one possible for 3p.m. this afternoon.
After securing the flight, she began multi-tasking; making a series of calls while packing for the trip.
The first person she called was her boss to inform him of the news that she would need to be off for a few days or more. Her boss, Henry, asked if there were anything that he could do. Barb thought for a minute, then said yes, there is. Would you just say a prayer for my parents and brother to get better? I am not ready for them to leave me as she broke down crying again.
Her boss said yes, Barbara, I think I can handle that request. She thanked him and ended their call.
As soon as Barbara put the phone on the receiver, it immediately rang back. When she answered it was her best friend Shannon. "Hey girl" "just thought I'd call you this morning" said Shannon to see if you needed help with that project we talked about last week. Barbara responded that yes I do, but today is not good for that. Barb went on to share her painful news with her friend.
When Shannon heard she asked; "is there anything that I can do?" Yes, said Barbara would you pick me up at 1pm and take me to the airport? Shannon said of course honey, whatever you need. Thanks Barbara said and ended the call.
Still packing her things and trying to cancel the days events there was a knock at the door.
When Barbara answered it was her neighbor David who is sixteen. David always did small chores for Barb like mowing her front lawn and taking her disposable goods to the curbside. I saw that your car was in the driveway this morning said David so, I thought I would just come by to see if you needed anything today?
Barbara said yes, as a matter of fact I do. A family emergency calls for my sudden need to go away.
I think I will be gone a few days to a week but, am really not sure. David, would you come by and water my plants every two days until I return? David said sure, no problem. She handed him the spare keys and sent him off as there was still so, much to accomplish before leaving.
Barbara managed to get everything done and was ready at 1pm. Shannon was prompt and the two headed to the airport. When Barbara arrived at the airport she checked her bags then took a seat in the port lobby. There was a very attractive male that seemed to be staring from a distance. Each time Barbara would lift her head from the magazine she was reading the man would be looking right at her. He would very quickly look away in shyness however. Finally it's time to board the plane.
Barbara headed down the aisle. As she is reading the seating numbers she notices that the man that was staring at her is seemingly seated next to her. She approaches her window seat and sure enough the two were paired for the 6 hour non-stop flight.
After about an hour the man introduced himself as Kevin Samuels. Coincidentally his name was very familiar. Kevin was the top marketing director at the same prestigious
marketing corporation. The two laughed at the strange meeting place as they had never seen one another at work but, knew of the other's names.
Kevin attributed his staring back at the airport to Barbara's striking beauty and then quickly changed the subject. "What is taking you to New York" he asked, assuming that it were business. When Barbara explained her need to travel Kevin apologized at her tragic news.
During the long flight the two became very acquainted and planned to have lunch when things were better for Barb.
Six hours now passed Barbara arrives at the airport. She is greeted by her sister. They head straight to the hospital to begin dealing with the sad situation the two face.
Barbara is there in the waiting area and receives a call after a few hours. It is Henry her boss. I thought that this would cheer you up and tells her to listen. He plays a recording of an announcement that went over every speaker at the ten story marketing firm earlier this afternoon.
This is what it said:
Today I received news that one of our most valued employees had to go away for a family emergency. I asked if there were anything that I could do
knowing for sure inside that I was powerless to do anything that would have a real impact. The employee we all know and love as top chemist for this firm; Barbara said just pray for my parents and brother. I am asking everyone to stop what your doing for 10 minutes as we pray together for Barbara and her family. (the prayer) Played on.
Barbara was speechless. She stood in the ER with tears streaming from her face. When the recording was over she thanked Henry from the bottom of her heart. Please thank everyone and tell them that they will never know what they have done.
Barbara went back to the waiting area and sat pondering the call. She thought to herself that "everyone that I needed was there for me today." No one said no!
At that moment she realized that When people ask if there is anything that they can do. They really do mean well.
Ask yourself: Is there someone that needed my help recently? Did I ask but, yet did not follow through?
I believe that when most of us ask someone is there anything that I can do. We do not see this question with responsibility. We see it as courtesy. When people are going through they don't need you to offer help for the sake of offering. They need you to really help them.If it were you wouldn't you want someone to really be there? Sometimes one may feel like they really do not know how to help. Remember that you always can exercise the
POWER OF PRAYER! That is the BEST help that you can give someone.
Relying on God's ability not our lack of. We are limited in what we can do.
God is limitless in his ability. He hears us when we pray and takes seriously what we request-
(C) copyright logicalpoetist August 2009