write2live - About Me
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Daily let’s meet here. Like your favorite beverage sip, be soothed & comforted by the expression,of spiritual logic. Najai's cup of Cocoa will stimulate your mind and warm your emotions. Take in all that you feel. Seize this opportunity to meet you. There is a blessing in every problem. Najai's Cup of Cocoa is a soft journey for accepting Life. Attitude is the key. Savor this taste of faith, drink life warm, feel content and ready for the day!
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Many people believe that although you are with someone; They cannot see you... There are things that we all hide in order to feel accepted. Sometimes one believes, that if someone knew the real them that another person would not like them as much or not befriend them... In believing this, it becomes an invitation to a private place (cocoon) where only you (the person hiding) can enter.
Subconsciously, believing that friends and other loved ones don't see.
Many times they do see and love us anyway... Awaiting the day that you will freely be who you are, so that you'll realize that you are loved for who and what you are; Accepted for all of what makes you you.
The disadvantage to any relationship is, that often ones secrets are usually leaking, and being exposed despite their attempt to hide.
To witness ones denial of self acceptance is painful for the ones loving them, because we want them to be free. Sadly recognizing they are ashamed and hurt by their inadequacies.
The journey to heal however becomes a joint venture if we are to continue loving that person. Sometimes the road gets rough between the two because the issues start to swell and taint the relationship.
Often times years go by... The people involved have remained cemented in each other's lives and the results are very messy and confusing.. Sometimes this entanglement causes the relationship to break.
I believe strongly in certain life tools; Honesty at best, prayer at most and willingness at least...
Theoretically people are not honest with themselves and others because, they fear facing and working to fix their issues, and being accepted despite their issues. "People do not necessarily make it easy either." Some people can be crucially judgemental..
Despite these fears, healing is needed... The only road to recovery for any person, is the road one will walk to get through their issues. Therefor "you" must start the journey. Only you can...
Subconsciously, believing that friends and other loved ones don't see.
Many times they do see and love us anyway... Awaiting the day that you will freely be who you are, so that you'll realize that you are loved for who and what you are; Accepted for all of what makes you you.
The disadvantage to any relationship is, that often ones secrets are usually leaking, and being exposed despite their attempt to hide.
To witness ones denial of self acceptance is painful for the ones loving them, because we want them to be free. Sadly recognizing they are ashamed and hurt by their inadequacies.
The journey to heal however becomes a joint venture if we are to continue loving that person. Sometimes the road gets rough between the two because the issues start to swell and taint the relationship.
Often times years go by... The people involved have remained cemented in each other's lives and the results are very messy and confusing.. Sometimes this entanglement causes the relationship to break.
I believe strongly in certain life tools; Honesty at best, prayer at most and willingness at least...
Theoretically people are not honest with themselves and others because, they fear facing and working to fix their issues, and being accepted despite their issues. "People do not necessarily make it easy either." Some people can be crucially judgemental..
Despite these fears, healing is needed... The only road to recovery for any person, is the road one will walk to get through their issues. Therefor "you" must start the journey. Only you can...
Loved ones; whether family, friends, or lovers can only be of support. If you opt to hide, you rob them of the opportunity to help, and even worse you rob yourself of the opportunity to grow and be better.
Therapy is also a wonderful tool. It allows one to free themselves without the possibility of being judged or further hurt, as there is no personal relationship or interest. It is a safe place.
Therapy is also a wonderful tool. It allows one to free themselves without the possibility of being judged or further hurt, as there is no personal relationship or interest. It is a safe place.
"If anyone thinks that they are perfect... they are the most imperfect!"
Be courageous today... Make an admission that you are not perfect.. Know that it is okay and that God in fact created you this way... Take a necessary step toward your journey to be healthier, and trust that your support loves you for you; imperfections and all.
Whether you realize it or not, those that have taken the time to be close to you, have already seen your shortcomings and accepted your imperfections..
May you Be forever Real, and always blessed... When you look in the GLASS, may your reflection always mirror the truth- ase'
Be courageous today... Make an admission that you are not perfect.. Know that it is okay and that God in fact created you this way... Take a necessary step toward your journey to be healthier, and trust that your support loves you for you; imperfections and all.
Whether you realize it or not, those that have taken the time to be close to you, have already seen your shortcomings and accepted your imperfections..
May you Be forever Real, and always blessed... When you look in the GLASS, may your reflection always mirror the truth- ase'
Image used in this photo is by Poohlaga and is being for enhancement only; not for profit
(C) logicalpoetist September 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009

Remember the saying "Take time to smell the roses?"
I have found that scents have a profound impact on ones spirit. The things that we breathe in; curve and shape our kindness or lack of.
Also this quote is a metaphor for what we accept in our lives. (Take time to appreciate what we have.) Although, most people zero in on what's not going well in their lives.
I am a firm believer that "We are what we eat..." Again this is a metaphor for whatever you accept in your life will be your life.
This morning, I awoke and started the coffee brewing. I heard the perking and the aroma grew stronger and stronger as it brewed. I have been getting my coffee outside the home for the past month or so. As the smell became more powerful very endearing, I realized how much I have been cheating myself of the pleasure of this wonderful smell in the morning.
Not everyone favors coffee but for the fellow coffee drinkers, you know exactly what I mean.
I never realized until this morning how much the scent of my brew really contributed to the start of my day... It was as if my senses were reborn.
All of them "taste, smell, touch, hear and sight." The smell of Patchouli wreaks daily in my space because it has always been one of my favorite aromas as well.
I am listening to one of my favorite meditation CD's "The Journey beyond the horizon"...
The combination of the music compounded by the aroma in the room makes the sun
that's staring in my space brighter and warmer.
I have sat and I have written that in which I choose to share with you (my readers) daily and I am pleasantly content..
I feel refreshed, renewed and centered why because I have taken the time this morning to smell the roses in my life instead of thinking obsessively of what challenges lye before me. I feel ready for whatever comes my way. This is what I aim to achieve every day. Courage, happiness and freedom...
May you take the time to smell the aromas of your life!!!
Be Blessed
(C) logicalpoetist September 2009
I have found that scents have a profound impact on ones spirit. The things that we breathe in; curve and shape our kindness or lack of.
Also this quote is a metaphor for what we accept in our lives. (Take time to appreciate what we have.) Although, most people zero in on what's not going well in their lives.
I am a firm believer that "We are what we eat..." Again this is a metaphor for whatever you accept in your life will be your life.
This morning, I awoke and started the coffee brewing. I heard the perking and the aroma grew stronger and stronger as it brewed. I have been getting my coffee outside the home for the past month or so. As the smell became more powerful very endearing, I realized how much I have been cheating myself of the pleasure of this wonderful smell in the morning.
Not everyone favors coffee but for the fellow coffee drinkers, you know exactly what I mean.
I never realized until this morning how much the scent of my brew really contributed to the start of my day... It was as if my senses were reborn.
All of them "taste, smell, touch, hear and sight." The smell of Patchouli wreaks daily in my space because it has always been one of my favorite aromas as well.
I am listening to one of my favorite meditation CD's "The Journey beyond the horizon"...
The combination of the music compounded by the aroma in the room makes the sun
that's staring in my space brighter and warmer.
I have sat and I have written that in which I choose to share with you (my readers) daily and I am pleasantly content..
I feel refreshed, renewed and centered why because I have taken the time this morning to smell the roses in my life instead of thinking obsessively of what challenges lye before me. I feel ready for whatever comes my way. This is what I aim to achieve every day. Courage, happiness and freedom...
May you take the time to smell the aromas of your life!!!
Be Blessed
(C) logicalpoetist September 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sour Apples
Posting Date is:
Wednesday September 23, 2009
Saving is impossible
Count the blessings

Take a bite out of life
surprised at what's inside
could be bitter
could be sweet
warm or as cold as ice
I've heard plenty
that make sense...
confronted with a situation
Oh how soon do we forget
Horses brought to the well
none seem to want a drink
extend ones hand
attempt to pull one up
why do they choose to sink
Saving is impossible
if one does not want to be free
easy does it... do not push it
simply let them be
Never made lemonade
out of lemons dealt...
Why apply heat
if it will easily melt
Count the blessings
let it go... run with all
that's still left
Barrel half full
Barrel half full
of sour apples
residual taste remains
on ones breath
All apples may be spoiled
by a single worm
It is possible to find one
not gone bad at all
in it's taste even after
it withstands a storm
search and search
until you find a
perfect, uncorrupted one
(C) logicalpoetist September 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Appreciate You

Why not celebrate today? Does not matter that it may not be your birthday. So many people pay homage to their existence on the single day they were born. It is fair to say, that this is the result of what we've been taught and conditioned to do.
Whether you know it or not, you have a special purpose here on earth. Sometimes we are making our contributions, despite ourselves. Many can agree if honest, that we can be our own worst critic. Sadly spending so much time doubting one's own contributions, feeling that you make no contribution to the world.
The truth is that when something passionate sits in your heart and you make no attempts to pursue your passion, that you are lacking faith in yourself.
Staring at the distance as opposed to taking a tiny step that will shorten it.
Good medicine for the soul is to find a reason to celebrate you every day. Celebration is liberating. It does not however need to to be a party or other flamboyant event. It can be a day that is soft and sleek. Most of all your celebration needs to be about you and make you feel good inside.
Each day the majority of people awake and begin to prepare for work.
If you are at work how can you celebrate yourself there?
I've bought something like an affirmation plaque, or a hand crafted, miniature collection of nick knacks and placed them on my desk. They were items that said something powerful about me or encouraged me in someway.
At lunch instead of pinching pennies, I've sat in a park to breath in some fresh air and gaze the greenery that surrounds me during a fifteen minute break. Appreciating my time with myself.
During lunch, instead of getting fast food I prepare something special for myself the night before, or eating something special that I purchased instead. When you eat healthy and well you are loving, appreciating, and celebrating your body.
Remember, it's about you and what makes you feel good inside. It could be turning off your phone and reading a few pages from your favorite book. Treating yourself to a massage, it can be anything that you choose. Just choose... Find something about you that is worth celebrating because we all have something.
The value of who you are rests within what you think your worth. So in celebrating yourself in someway daily, You are then building your spirit. Solidifying your value and strengthening your confidence that you are worthy of so much more. Celebrating and appreciating the friend, sister or brother that you are to the world is needed everyday.
If you have smiled at someone today, you have made a contribution to the world. You deserve to acknowledge the smile that you brought out of that person that you smiled at. We all give something. Celebrate your importance to the universe!
This blog is dedicated to my dearest friend Sharon
(C) logicalpoetist September 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009

Looking forward not behind
Big knuckles keep writing
blind words speak beyond
what it's fighting...
Seek warmth in a smile
Flames igniting passion,
a powerful reaction,
opinionated non facts
cracks in ones back gives
no slack to unwritten acts
stand up don't dare sit
never --it
Refuse to
say the word
If you ask the question
curiosity will pay
just may, like what
it has to say...
Going to be said any way
Reasons exist, chances missed
insist on a change of season
Breathe in... Now ease in,
to where you are loved..
Have fun, Laugh, Live.
Make life a play ground!
Live your life make your
living good, make your laugh
Laugh extremely loud!
(C)logicalpoetist September 2009
Image used in this blog is not for profit just enhancement of this blog
Saturday, September 12, 2009
"If a heart is spiritual, then it holds, mansions of love, and can house many"
Logicalpoetist/A. Najai D'Raughn
The thought occurred that if someone forgets about you, what do you do? My next thought was forget about them... I am human.
From God's perspective ;Loving, we know, is defined as unconditional.
Lilac loved people! Lilac was a "sister" with an appearance that speaks. She is beautiful to say the least. This refined artist has cool chocolate skin, thick golden bronze locks of hair that is curly. She has soft brown eyes, beautiful white teeth, and a big smile.
Now, while her physical features are very pronounced; it is her aura that speaks the loudest. She is always smiling and looking at people with her best vision - seeing them all as beautiful. Lilac is human, but most certainly "one of a kind."
Lilac, because of her peace, sincerity, kindness and incomprehensible ways had her challenges by the "universe..." Overall, when faced with those challenges, she never lost her composure.
One day, Lilac awoke earlier than usual. She arose from her bed at four o'clock in the morning.
She looked out the bay window of her apartment and saw that the day was crying. There were large, lollipop, raindrops falling, and the sky was a serene, grayish blue.
Lilac decided stay in doors and make it a day of reflection. She started a meal on the stove, lit seven candles, a Naj Champa (incense), and flipped on her fireplace. She then turned down all the blinds and pulled out all, her photo albums.
She made a pallet on the floor with a mat, blanket, and natural Lambs wool as the final layer. Lilac laid on the pallet flipping through her albums. The first photo album had pictures that ranged from Lilac's high school days to her current lifetime.
Midway through the seventh album, Lilac came across several pictures of a group of friends from a particular time in her life. She sought through them and noticed that seven of the friends were friends that she'd lost contact with over the years.
As she reflected upon "good times," she thought of one particular friend amongst the group a bit more intensely. This friend, in the past had done something unkind to . Lilac. What she'd done is accuse Lilac of something that in fact she had not done.
The break in both their hearts forced their friendship apart. One believed that the other had placed her in a compromising position and the other knew of her own innocence. The friend whose innocence was shattered surely believed some misunderstanding had taken place.
"Hmmmmm..." Lilac exhaled; A long time has passed she thought. Lilac smiled, realizing that, life had replaced that friend with many others and that life had given her the gift of peace regarding the lost friendship. Lilac realized that she had an abundance of love in her heart still, for that friend. She realized that sometimes, love, is best done from a distance.
Lilac concluded that when a person insists on letting her go, to be accepting. Sometimes, God wants to move you away from someone, and, or, you from them. In order that both may grow or go down separate roads that the other is not intended to journey.
Prayerfully, each person's destiny within their individual path at the end of the rainbow, still exuded Greatness! This too, was Lilac's prayer for her friend.
The world has two forces, Good and Evil.
No one, is exempt from the beckoning of either. We will be tested. Just stand and be who you are!
Lilac remembered a quote that she once heard:
"When people want to leave your life, Let them Go; do not try to force their stay"Bishop,TD Jakes.
The aroma of the food that Lilac started cooking earlier grew more pronounced. Now, remembering the "wonderful meal," she felt full of gratitude, refreshment and hunger...As she spoke her blessings to her peace,she stated "Thank you Lord for all that has been received in my life and all that has been extracted from, most of all Lord; Thank you for all that has been restored."
She then closed the seventh album.........
(C) logicalpoetist September 2009
Logicalpoetist/A. Najai D'Raughn
The thought occurred that if someone forgets about you, what do you do? My next thought was forget about them... I am human.
From God's perspective ;Loving, we know, is defined as unconditional.
Lilac loved people! Lilac was a "sister" with an appearance that speaks. She is beautiful to say the least. This refined artist has cool chocolate skin, thick golden bronze locks of hair that is curly. She has soft brown eyes, beautiful white teeth, and a big smile.
Now, while her physical features are very pronounced; it is her aura that speaks the loudest. She is always smiling and looking at people with her best vision - seeing them all as beautiful. Lilac is human, but most certainly "one of a kind."
Lilac, because of her peace, sincerity, kindness and incomprehensible ways had her challenges by the "universe..." Overall, when faced with those challenges, she never lost her composure.
One day, Lilac awoke earlier than usual. She arose from her bed at four o'clock in the morning.
She looked out the bay window of her apartment and saw that the day was crying. There were large, lollipop, raindrops falling, and the sky was a serene, grayish blue.
Lilac decided stay in doors and make it a day of reflection. She started a meal on the stove, lit seven candles, a Naj Champa (incense), and flipped on her fireplace. She then turned down all the blinds and pulled out all, her photo albums.
She made a pallet on the floor with a mat, blanket, and natural Lambs wool as the final layer. Lilac laid on the pallet flipping through her albums. The first photo album had pictures that ranged from Lilac's high school days to her current lifetime.
Midway through the seventh album, Lilac came across several pictures of a group of friends from a particular time in her life. She sought through them and noticed that seven of the friends were friends that she'd lost contact with over the years.
As she reflected upon "good times," she thought of one particular friend amongst the group a bit more intensely. This friend, in the past had done something unkind to . Lilac. What she'd done is accuse Lilac of something that in fact she had not done.
The break in both their hearts forced their friendship apart. One believed that the other had placed her in a compromising position and the other knew of her own innocence. The friend whose innocence was shattered surely believed some misunderstanding had taken place.
"Hmmmmm..." Lilac exhaled; A long time has passed she thought. Lilac smiled, realizing that, life had replaced that friend with many others and that life had given her the gift of peace regarding the lost friendship. Lilac realized that she had an abundance of love in her heart still, for that friend. She realized that sometimes, love, is best done from a distance.
Lilac concluded that when a person insists on letting her go, to be accepting. Sometimes, God wants to move you away from someone, and, or, you from them. In order that both may grow or go down separate roads that the other is not intended to journey.
Prayerfully, each person's destiny within their individual path at the end of the rainbow, still exuded Greatness! This too, was Lilac's prayer for her friend.
The world has two forces, Good and Evil.
No one, is exempt from the beckoning of either. We will be tested. Just stand and be who you are!
Lilac remembered a quote that she once heard:
"When people want to leave your life, Let them Go; do not try to force their stay"Bishop,TD Jakes.
The aroma of the food that Lilac started cooking earlier grew more pronounced. Now, remembering the "wonderful meal," she felt full of gratitude, refreshment and hunger...As she spoke her blessings to her peace,she stated "Thank you Lord for all that has been received in my life and all that has been extracted from, most of all Lord; Thank you for all that has been restored."
She then closed the seventh album.........
(C) logicalpoetist September 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Pure Philosophy
Sometimes you can build a bridge with stones, still crossover it and never ponder the work it took to build it.
Everything that is right side-up is also upside down, if looked at from the sides it's easy to see ones way to the center.
There is but a spot of light in the darkest place.
(C)logicalpoetist September 2009
Everything that is right side-up is also upside down, if looked at from the sides it's easy to see ones way to the center.
There is but a spot of light in the darkest place.
(C)logicalpoetist September 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
If Life Throws Blows... Bend Knees

Nijel sat in the barber's chair relaxing with closed eyes. The peaceful,low,buzzing of the clippers somehow seemed soothing. Nijel began to meditate during the haircut, mentally traveling to place of peace. Suddenly, There was a loud boom that startled Nijel and everyone in the Barbershop.
When he lifted his head to see what the noise was. He saw the body of a man being thrown into the glass window of the shop. There were four men beating this one man. They threw punch after punch! They were kicking him in the abdomen and legs. The seemingly helpless man did not fight back. He used his arms to protect his head and continued taking the tireless beating.
When the beating was over, the man stood up, and then fell to the ground. The thing that behooved Nijel is, "Why everyone stood watching, and no -one tried to help. The other employees at the shop ran outside and watched closely until the four men were done.
The beaten man stood up, walked in circles a couple of times, then just walked away.
Once all the commotion was over the conversation began regarding the incident.
Apparently a few weeks prior. The man had stolen a valuable item from someone. The beating was retaliation for his actions.
Although, Nijel now new the truth he was still, bothered by the violent crime...
What was he to do? Watching the entire ordeal simply, made him sick;literally.
Later that afternoon Nijel was unable to eat and his nerves, were just shattered.
The only thing that he could think to do was to pray for the man, that he might have learned a lesson and come to value his life and learn to work for what he wants. He could have been killed as the result of material desire and greed.
Nijel prayed also, for the four attackers begging God to help them to better love their neighbor.
"Lord, I say unto the that thine hast taught; That thou shalt not steal. Thine hath also said to Love ones neighbor as thine self. Thou have left man to determine what to do when the two commandments conflict. I pray to you Almighty God father of us all that we never seek revenge, taking matters into our own hands. I pray that those four men realize Lord, they they are not the father of judgement nor consequence. I pray that they have a conscience regarding what they did and that they seek your forgiveness father. The item that was stolen is a material thing that perhaps was ill gotten to begin with. I pray father that all necessary lessons be gained for all involved. Oh Mighty Lord I pray that the man who was beaten does not die and that he is given a second chance. Finally Lord, I thank you for bearing witness to this horrible, and most violent crime. Thank you for showing me Lord that the life that I live seeking thine ways, seeking thine thoughts and honoring thine words oh father;
Free me from being any of those type of men. Father, may I always find comfort in your word and your way. May I always find peace in your bosom."
Thank you Jesus,
Then Nijel stood up from his prayer and new that he had done the best thing for all.
Image used in this blog is not being used for profit of any kind.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Time just passing
it's only what's lasted
that will confirm
a soul has grown
Hopefully, collected wisdom
remembers the long way home
Never free of memory
it shall, but remain
seek life not through
an other's eyes
nor thoughts through
an other's brain
Realize fears,
release tears
be clear of existence no more
gently proceed forward
dance on the planets floor
dance the last dance
kiss the last kiss
as though it's the first
day of love
never regret anything
when you've continued
to look above
Coldness somehow produced
wholeness within a storm
Razor sharp, whirling winds
spins the air of breath
panting, panting, panting
now time says to rest
the storm has come
to a settling calm,
wind surrenders it's
biting edge
harsh, dark nights
now lit burn forever more
flames of everlasting fire
faint sounds of crackling sand
while napping by the
sea's calm shore
it's only what's lasted
that will confirm
a soul has grown
Hopefully, collected wisdom
remembers the long way home
Never free of memory
it shall, but remain
seek life not through
an other's eyes
nor thoughts through
an other's brain
Realize fears,
release tears
be clear of existence no more
gently proceed forward
dance on the planets floor
dance the last dance
kiss the last kiss
as though it's the first
day of love
never regret anything
when you've continued
to look above
Coldness somehow produced
wholeness within a storm
Razor sharp, whirling winds
spins the air of breath
panting, panting, panting
now time says to rest
the storm has come
to a settling calm,
wind surrenders it's
biting edge
harsh, dark nights
now lit burn forever more
flames of everlasting fire
faint sounds of crackling sand
while napping by the
sea's calm shore
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Judgement Day

Today while driving I noticed a man wo was sitting on the curb where I was entering the freeway. He appeared to be homeless. I could not take my eyes off him. His features were very attractive.
Although he was sitting, I could tell that he was very tall. His skin was a pretty-bronze, and his hair a very rich, gold. His head tilted toward the ground so, I did not get a very good look at his face.
As I made the bend onto the freeway, I could not take my eyes off him. The turn forced me to release my trance. "It is, what I was thinking that was pretty intense."
I thought about the ways in which the homeless are treated at times... I've witnessed Homeless people being tormented by the masses. I've seen them get beaten, kicked or spit on.
I took a homeless couple into a restaurant once to purchase them a meal,the owner told me that they could not eat inside of his place. "Oh yes, I did volunteer a few of my thoughts, in appreciation of his hospitality."
The couple, and I proceeded to another restaurant where they were allowed to sit. I remember being angry at the mistreatment they'd been given.
Today, when I saw the man sitting on the curb; I thought to myself... "What happens if someone were mean to a homeless man, died, approached judgement day and found out that the person that they mistreated was GOD..."
Images used in this blog are borrowed from other artist via public website flickr, for enhacement puposes only, and are not being used for profit of any kind.
(C) logicalpoetist September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Four Doors and Faith

Image created by L'UNOCCHIO
Each morning when Thomas awoke, he had the same routine. He would get out of bed, fall to his knees, and deposit his prayer to the heavens. After that, he would eat a fairly large breakfast, then he'd head out to work. Thomas is a very tall and handsome guy with a very mild mannerism. He has a deep voice yet, speaks very low.
Door one
When he entered his work place everyone could expect that Thomas would start them all off on a positive note. Thomas never failed to deliver. He'd give them a big bright smile and speak to every one in his path. He'd ask them all how their morning has been thus far. Then, he'd move on. He just seemed to be an indication of radiant light and warmth, he had a certain Aura.
Door two
During Thomas' lunch break he decided that he would drive to his favorite Italian deli to grab a sandwich. While completely stopped, he waited to turn into the entrance. Suddenly there was a Loud "bang" to Thomas' car. He had been hit in the rear by the car behind him. When Thomas got out to see what had happened he first observed that his vehicle had major damage. The entire trunk area was pushed in, almost to the back seats of his car.
As he looked to the right he noticed that the car that hit him, had been hit by another car. As the three involved drivers observed the damage of their vehicles the out come was that, Thomas'car was the only one that had actually been damaged.
The three men followed proper procedure and exchaged their information. Thomas was then left behind to await his towing company. His car could not be driven.
As you can imagine this was just the beginning of some major frustration. "So one would think."
Door three
"Hello... is this Friendly Car Rental? My name is Thomas Austin, and I was just in a car accident... Yes ma'am, I am fine thank you," Thomas said. "I will however, be needing a car immediately, Thomas said and asked, what do you have available?" Satisfied with the choice of rental-car; he provided his location, ended the call, to await being be picked up-
Door four
Thomas preceded into the deli as though nothing had happened. He was whistling, and praising God with hymn. When he entered the deli while standing in the service line, another customer approached the line. Since Thomas had not decided what to eat, he offered to exchange places. His attitude had not been swayed by the accident at all.
Finally, it was his turn in line as he preceded with ordering lunch. To Thomas' surprise the greeting he received from the server was, "Welcome to Tony's Italian deli, and how has your day been thus far?
Thomas flashed his winning smile and said a little louder than usual; My day has been outstanding! I awoke this morning, I am in my best mind, and I have my health and strength! It has been a beautiful day! The young man replied excitedly, "That's good stuff!"
It was as if Thomas had not even been involved in a accident. He stayed calm and collected throughout the entire ordeal.
I imagine that when Thomas remembered first, to acknowledge God when he awoke this morning; He knew that this was most important.
I imagine that when Thomas walked into work earlier that day; smiling and spreading joy, he must have conceded to the importance of others and being polite.
I imagine that when Thomas saw that his car, was the only damaged vehicle in the accident and decided to look at the fact that he himself had not been harmed.
That he considered God's favor upon his life.
I imagine that when Thomas proceeded with getting lunch after such an experience, maintaining his faithful attitude; That when the young man greeted him in the deli with the exact words that,Thomas greeted his co-workers with;
Thomas realized that this was God's way of being pleased with him and acknowledging Thomas' way.
(C)logicalpoetist September 4, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Dirty Rain

Wear a mask
plastic smile
upon an iron face
sew a dress
beautiful silk
covered with
UN-removable stains
Drink from a glass
only half full
filled with dirty rain
take a heart piece by piece
injecting it with pain
walk 3000 miles
for the sake
of love
place the pieces
from your heart
in an empty cup
shake it,stir it
until it's
really sweet
take a sip
feel the lump
in your throat
tasting Like defeat-
keep on trying,
continue denying
that it's really good
Bitter flavor
drink up any way
Pray that it soothes
as it should
appease affliction
that we've lost
our way
Two hearts
one soul
can make it
if they try
sweeten up
that dirty rain
but don't dear deny
all that's been given
has also been taken
from a desolate place
don't wear that mask
or Iron smile upon your
only face
What seems to be done
may be reborn
if honesty appears,
not blame,nor denial
or the excuse
of wonder years
If the student
was not ready the
teacher could not
When the lesson
has been taught
as quickly
as it came
the blessings
for all involved
is successfully
yet may leave
the glass still
half full
still with
dirty rain
(C)logicalpoetist September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Keeping your cool is not always easy. It is definitely work. Sometimes, it's as though things just want to test you. Life's current just invades your space.
When this happens it is most important that we remember,this is a part of life.
"Great thinking precedes great achievement" Myles Munroe-
It takes a certain amount of courage to accept life on life's terms. We all know that the power of a challenge can be overwhelming depending it's nature.
Thinking before acting is an exercise that takes practice.
It is human nature to respond or react to a situation but,we must choose how. Not taking a moment to pause may result in additional problems. They become nuances rather than resolutions.
Over time, I've been fortunate to learn many ways to exercise a calm, cool and collected demeanor. I've made sound decision to utilize what I've learned.
It is very empowering to keeping ones composure in an ugly situation. I find it very attractive. Keeping calm is powerful,self-containing and striking. It gets the attention of other's gracefully.
"I have found that Grace disables ignorance and the residue of grace has a dew of sweetness to it." Najai D'Raughn-
Personally, I've made up my mind to teach and be teachable in life. There are equal benefits to both. If You learn something and it helps you grow then, by all means pass it on. We are all educators in our own way. Everyone has something to offer and we all have something to gain by being receptive.
Perfection is not a man made quality.
To achieve control over ones temperament you must think of yourself as thermostat.
The whole idea is to regulate your temperature.
When you're at home depending if it's cool or too warm you would adjust the control regulating it to a comfortable setting. It's the same when dealing with people and situations.The huge benefit is that Karma is on your side so, ultimately you are in control of yourself.
Some of the ways that one can practice control is to take deep breaths and think through what is before you. Ask yourself what is the best response right now. You will be surprised that taking that one minute to think before you act will make a mojor dfference in the outcome.
(C)logicalpoetist September 2, 2009
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Re: Blog dated August 31st
We sincerely apologize for the confusion. There are two Blogs dated
Aug. 31,2009.
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We sincerely apologize for the confusion. There are two Blogs dated
Aug. 31,2009.
This is due to a technical error. Blog titled UnSoLvEd was created for Tuesday, September 1, 2009.
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